
Corporate Governance
Conflict of Interest Charter
Conflicts of interest may arise when an Individual’s personal interests interfere with the interests of T3 BioScience and where such personal interests result in that Employee taking actions that influence such Employee’s (an Employee being defined as all individuals employed by the Company regardless of rank, position and length of service) objective business judgments, decisions, or actions.
These situations may include, for example, when closely related persons, for example close friends, family members, people living in the same household or a person with whom the Employee has an intimate relationship, receive improper personal benefits due to the Employee’s position in the Company. Other typical examples of conflict of interest are (i) personal workplace relations (eg, supervising a friend or family member), (ii) external mandates (eg, servicing a board or being advisor to a other company than the Employer), (iii) promoting personal financial gain (eg, being a shareholder of T3 BioScience or of a related supplier or partner company), (iv) outside business activities, hindering the Employee to devote enough time and attention to her/his responsibilities in T3 BioScience and (v) the Employee from performing receiving personal fees, discounts, commissions, gifts, entertainments, etc from a party that is a current supplier or partner of T3 BioScience or is planning to become such business partner.
Therefore when conflicts of interest arise, it will make it difficult for the Employee to perform work for T3 BioScience in order to objectively and effectively make judgments, taking decisions or pursuing business actions. An Employee’s corporate actions, activities and decisions should never be subordinated to personal gain and advantage in any form.
Conflict of interest could arise in particular in situations involving directors, executive officers and other employees who occupy supervisory positions or who have discretionary authority in dealing with any third party.
Conflict of interests may have legal and regulatory consequences.
Above notwithstanding, T3 BioScience respects its Employees privacy, rights and decisions and does not intend to interfere with the Employees’ private lives. However, avoiding conflicts of interest is a very important measure of sustaining the integrity of T3 BioScience’s business activities, ethics and reputation.
Any situation, transaction or relationship that could reasonably be expected to give rise to a conflict of interest should be discussed by the Employee with her/his Line Manager and if in doubt, with the CEO or CSO, HR representative or an external representative of the Board of Directors of T3 BioScience. Managers approached regarding conflict of situation consultations shall treat the Employee’s information without bias and with appropriate confidentiality, as many conflict of interest situations that could arise, can usually be treated and solved pro-actively and in mutual problem solving dialogue.